there are dumplings on the horizon...


Weird food update!!!

Sometimes I feel as though I'm living in a Chevy commercial.  At least it seems that way since we have come to Thailand where the people here looooooove their trucks.  I guess people loved their trucks in Taiwan too, but at least the trucks there were cute and iconic.  They were all either bright blue, small, and twenty-year-old mitsubishis OR they were simply a set of wheels with a flatbed and a three-bar halfshell seat that jutted out impossibly far from the rest of the truck, seemingly offering up its driver to be blindsided when pulling out or crushed when the truck rolled forward over him.  Here in Thailand all of the trucks are neoned, metallic rigs with sound systems you normally only find in minivans.  I guess over-ornamentation is the norm.  Here's a picture of our beloved Taiwanese blue truck:
Oh yeah... the weird food update.
Thailand makes up for its trucks with its food.  After all our hard work we have finally found the mecca of all weird food travellers's searches:

oh wait nvm.  It's really...


 We found them deep fried along with crickets and grasshoppers at the Krabi, Thailand night market.  They actually don't taste like much (sorta nutty) but with a bit of salt and spice they make a great little snack.  The kids love 'em!

With a start like this, I can't wait to see what they are surviving on in Bangkok these days!
As a parting gift, please enjoy this tea in a bag:

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